2016 - 2024 All American Lodge

2016 - 2023 MEA Gold Star Lodge

2024 MEA PLatinum Star Lodge~ 2024 5 star Grand Lodge Website Ranking

Phone- 248-542-2626

Ferndale Elks Lodge #1588

Park at our Lodge?

One of the problems we seem to be constantly running in to is parking, all we ask is that you be courteous to others. Pull your vehicle as far forward as possible when parking on the building side of the lot. (There is room for 2 cars in all 4 spaces.)  

If you need a parking paddle and haven't gotten one yet please see the Bartender.

 PARKING RULES Effective April 1, 2020

1.       The Lodge parking lot hours will be from 8 a.m. to closing of the Club or Lodge event, whichever is later.

2.       All parked cars must have a current Elks Lodge #1588 parking hangtag affixed to the rear view mirror or a current guest parking permit placed on the dashboard in plain sight. Vehicles with hang tags not affixed are subject to tow. One parking hangtag may be purchased per member. Guest parking passes may be issued at the discretion of the House Committee, Lodge Secretary or Bartender on duty and shall be valid for the day it was issued. If a member forgets their parking hangtag they may purchase a one day guest pass for a $1 donation to Michigan Major Project.

3.       Ferndale Elks Lodge will not assume responsibility for any losses or damage involving vehicles on the Lodge property at any time.

4.       Parking will not be permitted overnight except by prior arrangement with the Exalted Ruler, Lodge Secretary, House Committee or Bartender on duty. Unauthorized cars left in the lot after closing are subject to tow.

5.       Parking is restricted to those members who have purchased a parking hang tag. No sharing of paddles, abuse of your parking pass will lead to it being revoked.

6.       The parking lot is to be used by members while using the facilities or while attending a Lodge function, providing the rules are followed. Any vehicle left for more than 2 hours without being present at lodge event or patronizing the club room will be subject to having their parking privileges revoked. (Having a parking hangtag does not guarantee availability of parking.)

Vehicles found in violation of the parking lot rules will be subject to tow at the owner’s expense.

Passed on the Floor unanimously 3/3/2020